Copyright/ DMCA

Please Understand That xfree Just a Video sharing Site That Delivers video from Uploaded by Users, and that we can’t and don’t physically review every video that is uploaded to the site. We do our best to quickly remove content that violates our Terms of Service or applicable law once that material is reported through our Video Report form.

We take claims of copyright infringement seriously. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) or any other applicable intellectual property legislation or laws.

If you Think uploaded material that is inappropriate, illegal, harmful or offensive, please report the content using the Report form below The video, will take the right action as soon as we will get your report

If you are a copyright owner who believes your Video has been uploaded to this site without authorization, please use the Contact Us Page And Inform us about Your query, We will take action as soon as we got your report.